Blurb: Learning about different subjects allows one to find new perspectives and
understand the world entirely differently.
We live in a world of armchair experts where everyone has at least one opinion
about everything. Unfortunately, on most occasions than not these are opinions built
on half-baked information curated through quick browsing — thus making them
impulsive at best and hare-brained at worst.
One of the best ways of finding new information and processing it meaningfully is by
reading from various sources — some of which would have opposing points of view
— and understanding them in the bigger context, before putting forth something that
is reasonably well thought idea. And, this is exactly what academic writing requires
one to do.
Information and knowledge is often defined and packed into neat little units, on which
traditional academics rely on. But, as we grow older we realise that a lot of
knowledge and information falls through the gaps between these units; and practical
knowledge is often based on these. Developing a multi-disciplinary information bank
for oneself ensures that gains a 360-degree view of the world around us.
Through academic writing, one would have the opportunity to explore various
aspects of wide-ranging topics and subjects. This job would introduce them to source
material and reference resources that would allow them to access indisputable and
legitimate information. Over time and after working on multiple topics and subjects
one can be assured that they would at least have a working understanding about
different subjects which can range from accounting to green automobiles and
economics of the EU.
In fact, most academic writers can see definite rise in their basic knowledge after
having worked with us for just a few months. The fact that we serve a client base that
is across-the-board accelerates this learning process. Our team of senior teams and
team leaders are also always working with new writers to ensure that they gather
meaningful credible information instead of letting them freefall into the information
abyss that is the internet.
We also ensure that the writers have enough time to conduct the research and
reproduce the information in their work. This ensures that the learning process is not
an empty loop that relies on paraphrasing gathered information. The easy deadlines
allow the writers to go beyond the superficial information that is available on the first
page of a search engine.
We are passionate about building a workforce of smart individuals who are aware
and have a basic understanding of various subjects — thus; creating a pool of
professional writers who can see patterns in different topics and interlink different
subjects to find a fresh perspective. This allows us to deliver projects that are unique
while keeping work interesting and motivating for our writers.
At, Wordspace, writers are more than just team members responsible of churning
out one project after another. We work as close-knit group who are constantly
encouraging each other to take up challenges by diving into unknown subjects and
topics, with the belief that they would emerge a more erudite and conversant on the
other side. Thus, producing armchair experts who actually know what they are
talking about.